What you Can Do Now.
Two weeks ago we held a Town Hall meeting where over 125 engaged Napa residents turned out to express their concerns about the rapid growth of the tourism industry in our Valley and their ideas for possible solutions to its negative impact on our quality of life. Several suggestions were made on how to gain influence. First and foremost: GET INVOLVED!
- Join a City commission, board, or committee. The City of Napa website lists current openings with recruitment open through 5pm on Friday, August 25th.
- Attend City of Napa Planning Commission, City Council, Board of Supervisor and other committee meetings to really see what is going on. To be put on notification lists for city meetings: Contact Patricia Baring for public hearing notices;clerk@cityofnapa.org to receive City Council agendas.
- Run for public office or support a candidate who shares your concerns when vacancies occur.
- Write a letter to the Grand Jury. This site will tell you how, when, and why:
Together we can tackle the issues in our county to make and keep Napa Valley a gem of a place to live and to visit. Join us upvalley for a September 7, 2017, 7 pm Town Hall meeting at 1313 Spring Street, St. Helena. Bring your comments and suggestions.
Click here to support Napa Vision 2050’s work promoting the health and safety for our residents and the integrity of our environment. Your donation helps get the word out about current projects and issues in our community and secure expert and legal help when needed.
We need volunteers to staff information tables and for web and communication support.
Please contact Iris Barrie to join us.