In response to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change Report (IPCC,) Napa Climate Now! is offering a scientific look at the latest developments to those of us who want more info or are downright sad and scared. In fact, the panel members will also address emotional reactions to global warming.
This evening’s program presents a clear, concise, practical, science-based message about the cause and impacts of climate change. We will learn about near and long-term workable solutions for local and statewide actions and how we can make a meaningful difference. There will be a Q&A with audience comment after the panel presentation.
Linda Brown is Senior Vice President for SCS Global Services, an international pioneer in third-party certification of environmental and sustainability claims for natural resource management, consumer and business products, and green building. Linda will discuss implications of the latest IPCC reports for climate change here in California and around the globe and will talk about what we must do in the next 10 years to turn the tide.
Lori Stelling is a mother, life coach and student and teacher of Buddhist meditation. Her role on the panel is to “speak from the heart” and honor our grief and fears as well as our hopes in meeting the challenge of climate change. In 2019 she will facilitate Napa Parents for Smart Climate Action, in partnership with NCN!, to develop a community of parents interested in educating themselves about climate change, and supporting one another in taking effective actions to make a difference.
Chris Benz has served on the Napa Sierra Club Executive Committee since 2014. She also serves on the Napa Valley Vine Trail Board and as a Conservation Easement Monitor for the Land Trust of Napa County. Educated as a chemist, she has used her scientific training to follow the development of Napa County Climate Action Plan and participate in Napa’s Measure C campaign. Chris offers us a science-based picture.